I'm Laura Mooiman
And if you have landed on my site, you are probably an educator who is interested in creating a school environment that's not just safe and positive, but truly restorative. A place where students and staff thrive, feeling secure, acknowledged, and cherished.
On my site you will find resources, professional development, and action steps necessary to build the safe, positive, and restorative school you want and your students need.
I've been where you are.
For over 25 years as a school social worker turned district administrator, I struggled to find solutions to bullying, punitive and disproportional discipline, student mental health issues and teacher stress. After years of wrangling various initiatives, I finally cracked the code.
My unique approach created the school transformations that I was seeking, and not just one school at a time, but all 30 of our schools received national recognition:
75% reduction in suspensions
99% reduction in expulsions
99%tile for School Climate in the state (California Healthy Kids Survey).
My tried-and-true framework blends PBIS, Restorative Practices, and MTSS seamlessly into a simple 5-step roadmap that cuts down on problem behavior, boosts school climate, and increases the well-being of both teachers and students. No more stumbling in the dark or feeling overwhelmed about where to begin – I've got you covered.
Want to find out how to transform your school?
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